If you are a musician, composer, or songwriter, you might have heard of the term P.R.O. in music. But what does it mean and how does it affect you? In this blog post, we will explain what a P.R.O. is, what it does, and why you might need one.

What is a P.R.O. in Music?

A P.R.O. stands for Performing Rights Organization. It is an agency that collects and distributes royalties on behalf of its members when their musical works are used in various ways. This includes being performed in public, broadcast, streamed, downloaded, reproduced, or used in film and television1.

A P.R.O. exists to protect its members and make sure they receive everything that is due to them. Protecting members is not only about making sure they get paid, but also about fighting music piracy and ensuring fair compensation for their creative work.

How Does a P.R.O. Work?

A P.R.O. works by providing licensing agreements that allow the use of P.R.O. music for a fee. There are different types of licenses that cover different uses of music and different fees depending on how the music is used and how many people it reaches2.

For example, if you want to use P.R.O. music in your YouTube video, you need to obtain a license from the P.R.O. that represents the composer or songwriter of the music. The license fee will depend on factors such as the number of views, the duration of the music, and the type of video.

Similarly, if you want to play P.R.O. music in your restaurant, you need to obtain a license from the P.R.O. that covers your country. The license fee will depend on factors such as the size of the venue, the number of speakers, and the frequency of the music.

A P.R.O. collects these license fees from the users of music and distributes them to its members according to their share of the music usage. A P.R.O. also tracks the usage of music by using various methods such as codes, databases, and surveys2.

Why Do You Need a P.R.O.?

If you are a musician, composer, or songwriter, you might need a P.R.O. for several reasons:

How to Join a P.R.O.?

If you want to join a P.R.O., you need to follow these steps:


A P.R.O. in music is an agency that collects and distributes royalties for its members when their music is used in various ways. A P.R.O. can help you get paid, protect your music, and network with other musicians. If you want to join a P.R.O., you need to choose one that suits your needs, register as a member, register your music, and receive your royalties.

We hope this blog post has helped you understand what a P.R.O. in music is and why you might need one. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them below. Thank you for reading and happy music making!